Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Lesson for 02-15-2010: Poetry Slam

Poetry Slam
Lesson Plan

Objective: Students will prepare and perform poetry to a live audience

Materials: Poems written during previous class periods, white boards/score cards

Time allotment: One class period for performance after other class periods have been devoted to poetry instruction and writing

Grade Levels: 6-12

1. Begin by explaining the concept of a poetry slam to the students. Ask if students have attended a poetry slam and ask them to share experiences. Poetry slam explanations and examples can be found online at YouTube or at: http://www.pbs.org/newshour/extra/features/jan-june00/poetryboxfreestyling.html
Discuss with students proper performance etiquette, listening when someone is reading, reading loudly and with feeling. Encourage students to look up from their poem as much as possible. If students are prepped ahead of time they could be encouraged to have poems memorized but students may need the poems with them for comfort. Also discuss with students what the job of a judge is to critique the poem, not the person. Listen to the poem for elements of poetry that have been discussed during previous lessons.

2. Divide the class into three groups (or four depending on number of students). Group one students will read their poems first while group two students will serve as judges. Group two presents and group three students judge, etc.

3. Hold the poetry slam. Record scores awarded to students during each round. After all students have read, the top poets from each round will compete for the title of Class Poet. They can read the same, or a different poem in the final round.

Teacher will informally evaluate students’ poems. I often use a half piece of paper to write notes to students about their expression while reading, eye contact, and presentation and give the sheet to the students after they have read.

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